The top list of the more promising marketplaces for Italian food
20/05/2015What are the marketplaces with the higher growth rate for Italian food? According to the recent market research about Italian food abroad, Europe countries are still the main destination and United States the first marketplace among the foreign countries.
But, the more dynamic destinations are elsewhere: China and Southeast Asia are the marketplaces with the faster growth for food made in Italy.
New best seller categories for Italian food
According to Federalimentare research, 80% of Italian food farming export is represented by prestigious labels or by guarantee of origin products.
Here, the top list of the best seller categories:
- First place: wine industry, that weighs 20,3% on the total value of export
- Second place: bakery sector, with a value of 3.345 million euro
- Third place: milk and dairy (We talked about it in the last post)
Also pasta products are growing up and tomatoes souces are more and more love abroad, as we have talked in the article Europeans love the”Headreds”: the love story of Italian tomatoes.
Here, in the infographic you can find the entire top list of the most dynamic countries for Italian food