16/03/2021Henry Ford once said that coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, working together is success. Despite the passing of time, his idea of a well-functioning team still holds very true, especially for us. In order to implement our vision of providing a bespoke service in making healthy ingredients and great food accessible to everybody in the world, we constantly rely on a close collaboration among all our personnel. This is why we created a friendly work environment where successes are always shared.
With us since March 2008, Elisabetta Doria Lamba has witnessed many of them. Her degree in Molecular Biology first took her to the Genetics Laboratory of one of the major hospital hospital in Genoa where she worked for a few years; then, her passion for food made her take a turn in her career and join our team as one of our Export Managers. Fluent both in English and French – languages that she learned while living abroad – Elisabetta has great communication skills that allow her to easily transfer her passion for Italian food to the clients she assists. Always busy developing new projects that promote the made-in-Italy excellences abroad, Elisabetta never misses to find the time to support her colleagues in the back-office.
“If you want, you can!” is her motto and she literally sticks to it. Being in charge of the portfolio of our clients in Japan means that Elisabetta starts her working days early to compensate for the time difference: for this reason, her mornings are typically dedicated to talking to them on the phone, discussing orders, taking requests and updating them on all our new products. In the afternoons she is usually busy working alongside our suppliers and her colleagues in the Commercial Department, always trying to develop new, shared strategies that could improve both the pre- and the after-sale experience of our customers. A great connoisseur of wines, she is very much looking forward to expand the Italian wine knowledge abroad.