International Observatory of Italian Sounding is born
Federalimentare, Fiere di Parma and Cibus have found the first International Observatory of Italian Sounding to promote and protect the “Made in Italy” worldwide.
Italian sounding is one of the most serious form of misleading communication. As Italian Sounding we consider food and beverage produced worldwide, but labelled with Italian names and misleading Italian words and pictures. Italian Sounding market has a turnover of 60 billion dollar, a big damage for the authentic Made in Italy, a value which is growing up every year.
The Observatory of Italian Sounding will study the phenomenon together with scientists and a competent adviser. They will analyze ways and types of Italian Sounding, but above all geographical markets and channels where Italian Sounding is more widespread. The final goal of this innovative form of Italian food protection is to guarantee legal intervention to stop the commerce of fake Italian products. A first report will be showed at Cibus 2017.
For more information about Italian Sounding read our previous articles:
- What does Italian sounding means ?
- Counterfeiting in food sector: what learn to be better prepared
- Small and medium enterprises united to fight the Italian sounding
- The laughs of Italian tourists abroad when seeing the most ridiculous imitations of Italian specialties.